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Ad blockers are special computer programs that ensure that no advertising is displayed on websites. Imagine you go to YouTube and see an advertisement in front of every video. It's pretty annoying, isn't it? Ad blockers prevent just that: they make ads invisible so you don't have to see them anymore.

This is very practical for you as a user. The websites load faster and you won't be distracted by annoying ads. But website operators don't like ad blockers at all. Because many are financed by this advertising. If no one sees the ads anymore, they don't earn any more money.

Many websites therefore ask you to turn off the ad blocker. Others try to circumvent the ad blocker with tricks. Still others won't show you any content at all if you use an ad blocker.

One of the most well-known ad blockers is”AdBlock Plus“. But it was used by many website operators suedbecause they don't agree with his business practices.

There are also Internet browsers that already provide many AdBlock functions, such as the Brave browser.


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Christian ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Branding, Design und Web Development veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der mit seiner Marke überzeugen will.

Christian Kallinich
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Aleksey ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Vertrieb, SEO und Google Ads veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der sein Marketing auf die nächste Stufe heben möchte.

Aleksey Rogalev