Core Web Vitals

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Understanding Page Speed, Load Time, and Core Web Vitals

In the digital world, page speed and charging time decisive factors for user experience and SEO. Pagespeed, or page speed, measures the time it takes the browser to process a request and fully display the page. This speed can be affected by various factors, such as the amount of content, connection type, and distance to data centers.

Loading time versus page speed

The loading time of a page covers the entire process from the start of navigation to the completion of the loading process. It can vary significantly depending on each user's specific conditions, such as device performance and network conditions. Despite the similarities in terms, page speed often refers to technical measurements, while the load time includes the user's actual perceived time.

Core Web Vitals

Google has introduced Core Web Vitals, which have been part of the Page Experience Update since 2021 and serve as ranking factors. These metrics include:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures the load time of the largest piece of content on the page.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Measures the time until the first interactivity.
  • Cumulative layout shift (CLS): Evaluates visual stability by measuring unexpected layout shifts.

What is considered a fast charging time?

Opinions vary as to what counts as fast charging time. In general, a load time of less than three seconds is often given as the target value. According to Google, an optimal load time should be between two and three seconds to be considered fast.

Google's view of fast websites

Google uses multi-level website performance assessments based on Lighthouse data:

  • Below 50: Slowly
  • 50 to 90: Average
  • Over 90: Schnell

These ratings influence how efficiently Google crawls a page and how well it ranks in search results. Faster pages can potentially enjoy a higher crawl rate, which in turn can improve visibility.

Impact of Core Web Vitals on SEO and user experience

The Core Web Vitals are crucial for ranking, especially when multiple pages offer similar content. Google emphasizes that a good website experience can positively influence rankings, but great content still remains the dominant factor.


Page speed and load time are critical elements that not only influence the user experience but also the SEO ranking. With the introduction of Core Web Vitals, Google has brought these aspects further to the forefront. Websites should focus on optimizing their load times while offering high-quality content to convince both users and search engines.


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