Google Ads daily budget

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What is the Google Ads daily budget?

Companies can advertise on Google. For this, they have a budget that they spend per day.

For example, 50 EUR or 100 EUR per day. This is called a daily budget.

Can a company spend more than planned?

Google doesn't say exactly when the ads are coming. It is possible that a lot of people see the ad and click on it in one day. Then the company will have to pay more that day. But over the month, the amount comes out again, where you simply extrapolate the daily budget to the entire month.

How high should the daily budget be?

In the beginning, it's good to start with little money. For example, 100 people click on the ad per day. That's when you can see whether the ad is well received. You can increase your budget later so that even more people see the ad. ATTENTION: Simply increasing the advertising budget does not necessarily automatically result in more sales or inquiries.

How do you calculate the daily budget?

You look at the approximate cost of a click on the ad. That's what Google Ads says in the Keyword Planner. Then you calculate, for example:

Cost per click: 1 EUR

I want 100 clicks a day: i.e. 100 x 1 EUR = 100 EUR daily budget


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Aleksey ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Vertrieb, SEO und Google Ads veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der sein Marketing auf die nächste Stufe heben möchte.

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