Low Hanging Fruits

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The term “low-hanging fruits” can be translated literally as “low-hanging fruit.” These are easy to pick without having to make a lot of effort. Applied to the business context, the term refers to easily achievable goals and KPIs that can be achieved with minimal effort.

Although such opportunities can theoretically exist in any area of business, it is not always easy for companies to recognize them immediately. However, as soon as low-hanging fruits have been identified, they should be tackled with the highest priority, as they can significantly contribute to the company's success due to their favourable cost-benefit ratio.


If you have a local company, then a Google MyBusiness entry would be as well as search engine optimization Local in your zip code a quickly reachable destination with a very high return on investments.

Another low hanging fruit would be immediate branding- Take action by being present with your target group where they are, e.g. with posters.


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