SEO (search engine optimization)

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Search engine optimization or SEO is a term from online marketing that describes how to design websites in such a way that they appear higher in search results in Google and other search engines.

Why is that important? It's simple: If your website is listed higher up on Google, more people will click on it.

And when more people visit your site, you can sell more and become better known. That's why many people and companies are trying to get higher with SEO. But how does SEO work?

There are two areas:

OnPage optimization

This means anything you can do directly on the website. In particular, write the text in such a way that it contains the correct search terms (keywords). Or add descriptions to images and videos so Google knows what it's about.

Offpage optimization

This means things that happen outside of one's own side. For example, when other websites link to your site. Or when people post about your page on social networks. All of this helps Google understand that your page is important and useful.

SEO is basically a lengthy process — i.e. more like a marathon. The improvements often take months for Google to recognize them and your site rank higher. So you have to stay tuned and keep optimizing your site. With the right strategy, however, you can reach significantly more visitors and sales.

Lesser-known Google Insights include, for example, that a website is not always and everywhere ranked number 1 in Google search, but often rotates in places 1 to 3. In addition, the Google algorithm tests your page by ranking it in 1st place for a short period of time under the established search term. This means that the time spent on your site and the content on your site are analyzed by Google. The purpose of this is so that Google then ranks your website as a specific key term (keyword).


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Christian ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Branding, Design und Web Development veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der mit seiner Marke überzeugen will.

Christian Kallinich
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Aleksey ist Gründer und Geschäftsführer von marketer UX. Als Experte für Vertrieb, SEO und Google Ads veröffentlicht er regelmäßig neue Artikel und Videos, um diese Themen für jeden zugänglich zu machen, der sein Marketing auf die nächste Stufe heben möchte.

Aleksey Rogalev