Soft Bounce

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A Soft Bounce means an email that is temporarily undeliverable for various reasons. This term is part of Bounce Management in the area of email marketing, in particular for newsletters.

Why does a soft bounce happen?

Soft bounces can be triggered by various reasons, such as a full recipient's mailbox, temporary server problems, or an email that is too large. In contrast to a hard bounce, which means a permanent delivery issue such as an invalid email address, soft bounces are often temporary.

Importance of bounce rate

The bounce rate, i.e. the rate of undeliverable emails, is an important indicator in email marketing. It provides information about how effective and efficient an email campaign is. A high bounce rate can indicate that many emails are not reaching their destination, which reduces the effectiveness of the campaign. It is therefore important to analyze the causes of soft bounces and take appropriate measures to improve email deliverability and reduce the bounce rate.

Measures to reduce soft bounces

To reduce the number of soft bounces, regular reviews and adjustments should be made, such as:

  • Checking email lists to ensure that addresses are up to date and correct.
  • Resize emails to make sure they're not too big for recipients' mailboxes.
  • Ensuring that server configurations are correct and that there are no temporary issues impeding delivery.

By keeping a close eye on and proactively managing soft bounces, you can monitor the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns significantly increase and achieve a better engagement rate.


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