Unique Selling Point (USP)

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What is a unique selling point (USP)?

A unique selling point (USP), also known as a unique selling proposition, describes the unique selling point or unique selling point of a company, product, or service that sets it apart from the competition. An effective USP is crucial because it provides potential customers with a concrete buying incentive and plays an essential role in their decision making.

Submitting the USP

The USP of a product or service is usually actively communicated to the customer through advertising measures. The aim is to make it immediately clear to the customer why their own offering is superior to that of the competition. This can also be applied to areas outside of typical product advertising, such as an applicant's unique skills in the job market.

Importance of USP in the D2C sector

In the direct-to-consumer (D2C) sector, the USP is particularly important, as companies sell directly to end users and must position themselves in the market without intermediaries. A strong USP helps to clearly stand out from the competition and can represent a decisive market advantage.

Examples of USPs

  1. Product specific:
    • “Our product is the only one with this feature on the market. ”
    • “Our product is more environmentally friendly than comparable offerings. ”
    • “Our product is the first on the market to be equipped with this new technology. ”
    • “Our product is developed by a team of experienced experts. ”
    • “Our product offers a longer warranty period than comparable offers. ”
  2. Service-oriented:
    • “Our service is the fastest in the industry. ”
    • “Our company offers a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. ”
    • “Our service is available 24/7. ”
    • “Our service offers a free trial membership. ”
  3. Specialized:
    • “Our restaurant only offers vegetarian and vegan dishes. ”
    • “Our company is the only one that offers this special service. ”
  4. Price-oriented:
    • “Our online shop offers a huge selection of products at the best prices on the Internet. ”


A well-defined and communicated USP is essential for any company that wants to assert itself in a competitive market. It not only differentiates the offering, but also makes a significant contribution to brand identity and customer loyalty. Companies should always work to clearly define their USP and communicate it effectively to their target group.


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