Customer journey

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What is the customer journey?

The customer journey describes the A customer's entire journey through various points of contact with a brand, a product or a service. This journey includes both direct, controllable contact points, such as a company website or customer service, as well as indirect, external touchpoints, such as discussions on social media or reviews on independent platforms. The aim of customer journey mapping is to develop a comprehensive understanding of customer experiences and interactions so that marketing and sales strategies can be customer-oriented.

Importance of the customer journey

The customer journey is an essential element in modern marketing, as it makes it possible to understand the needs and expectations of customers and to optimize the customer experience based on this. By mapping the customer journey, the complex structure of customer interactions is presented in a clear form. This helps companies identify weak points and improve customer loyalty through targeted measures.

Components of the customer journey

  1. Touch points: Any point at which the customer comes into contact with the brand, whether directly or indirectly. This includes everything from advertising to the buying process to using and recommending the product.
  2. Paths: The paths that customers take are rarely linear and can be influenced by numerous external and internal factors. An effective customer journey takes these nonlinear paths into account and tries to optimally accompany the customer every step of the way.
  3. Moments of Truth: Key moments within the journey in which customer decisions are particularly strongly influenced. Using these moments correctly can be decisive for the success of the customer relationship.


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