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Redesign of the company website

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Redesign of the company website

Aren't you tired of constantly fighting for every customer and hoping for a recommendation everywhere so that people notice you? It is really frustrating to always be number 10, even though you know exactly that there is so much untapped potential in you. Basically, it just needs to be visualized correctly. And that is exactly the right keyword when it comes to your online presence — your website.

Ganze 34.8 % of respondents to a study (carried out in 2021, by IfD Allensbach) state that they are guided by reviews when buying products. Doesn't it make sense to position this gold mine at the very top of your website?

In addition to this reason, here are 12 other reasons why you should give your website a fresh coat of paint and how important the new company website is for your visibility. Here are a few tips to get off to a solid start!

What is a relaunch?

In short, the website relaunch is something like a restart in relation to your website. For example, outdated websites that are no longer well received by end consumers can be polished up and edited. This is often based on new concepts, sales-psychological arguments and a simplified understanding of the company's offerings.

A website relaunch is like a fresh start for your website and optimizes it so that it is better received by your end customers.

that Objective of the relaunch is to make your company page more appealing to readers, to offer them new information and therefore to differentiate yourself positively from market competitors.

Understanding your website visitor correctly

One of the biggest mistakes that many companies make is not checking their own website for comprehensibility. cases. Because you know your service/product and don't have to read it again first to be convinced of it.

It is different with a complete stranger who now simply clicks on your website with the intention of finding what he was looking for.

A confusing, incomprehensible website could cost you lots of customers who would love your product or service

Imagine your website visitors as follows:

  • He quickly searches for a solution to his problem
  • He doesn't read your website, he just cross-scans it
  • He is short on time and spends as little time as possible on your side
  • On average, visitors will leave your website if it doesn't load within 3 seconds
  • It ignores superfluous information on your website and only focuses on its benefits
  • When you visit your website, it intuitively checks whether you friend or enemy are

important: In our age, it has become normal for us to be overwhelmed with advertising every day. Humans have therefore oriented themselves in such a way that they hide useless information.

Your website is your shop window

When your website visitor finds a decent, easy-to-understand and modern website, they generally trust you more and their willingness to take advantage of your offer increases.

An outdated and confusing website suggests chaos. And that is exactly what most of us avoid.

Which shop would you choose?

Imagine yourself walking through the beautiful alleys in the old town on a warm summer day. You want to sit down for a delicious wine in a nice restaurant. You can now see two restaurants that are right next to each other. The left-hand restaurant is illuminated over a large area, decorated with abstract art and the offers are clearly laid out on the table in the wine list. The shop on the right looks dark, the furniture is outdated and it is not clear whether this place is open, which place would you choose?

We are often faced with this decision on the Internet. Thanks to Google, however, the decision is made easier for us. On the first page, there are only the pages with which most customers can have a positive experience.

11 reasons to relaunch your company website:

The Internet is constantly changing — which is why it is extremely important to swim with the digital wave. If you're shown on the second, third, or fourth page of Google, that means your competitors are a few steps ahead of you. After all, the consequences are not only visual differences, but also the loss of awareness, inquiries and, in summary, the lack of turnover.

In addition to this, here are eleven other arguments why your company homepage Urgently needs a fresh coat of paint:

1. Visually deficient

What looked completely modern 10 years ago is a thing of the past for today's understanding of web communication and visual possibilities. The Internet is now changing day by day and systems such as Webflow and WordPress offer a wide range of options. These two systems have understood that one of the most important factors for a successful Internet presence is design - As is well known, the eye also eats.

In doing so, you should never lose sight of why you actually own the website?

  • To a Image of your company to represent: from your work samples during the latest opening hours to a friendly and appealing team that you would love to work with.

tip: Not sure what you could change about your outdated design? Then simply take a look at the design of your market competitors and evaluate what they do differently than you. Loud google Even the best rankings in search results do most of the right thing.

2. No working concept

Of course, if the company is already 50 years old, you put the company image at the top of the website. Texts such as”We've been working hand in hand — since 1972!“, are often the first information that your website visitors receive.

We are very proud of our customers, our work and our success story and would like to present this on our website. The truth is, however, that the customer is not looking for this information and does not even recognize your positioning.

The principle works in a similar way to dating: When someone in the Tinder bio (the “About Me” section) positions their entire successes with a lot of ego, it is often rated as “in love with themselves.”

And that is the first impression that your customer gets of you. They're doing the wrong kind of marketing. Don't deviate from the essentials, but become the helping partner that your website visitor needs.

tip: So work with clear messages, make your offers more precise and package your services where they can be seen directly — to the very top!

3. An intuitive store

Have you ever asked yourself why the shopping cart on a sales page is called “shopping cart”? This gives the customer an intuitive shopping experience from reality. Our intuition is shaped by social structures. So it is nothing new to add your goods to the shopping cart while shopping. Without conscious conclusions, people therefore make use of this causality to go to the checkout with their shopping basket — even in the virtual shopping experience.

tip: Imagine that your website is a real space that you can enter. The website structure should be designed exactly according to this emotion. A store where you have to check out to complete the purchase isn't a good store. In fact, they have no desire or energy to invest so much energy in the process of completing the purchase. After all, there are stores where this is much faster and more precise.

4. SEO unfriendly

Another reason why you should seriously consider relaunching your company website is a poor ranking on Google. Reasons for this could

  • the use of duplicate content (in German, multiple uses of the same text content on your website),
  • bad content, or
  • be an SEO-unfriendly design.

SEO is absolutely essential for survival on the World Wide Web: If you rank poorly, your customers won't see you. That means no new customers, no inquiries and no turnover.

A forsa statistic (spring) publishes astonishing figures on the topic: The daily frequency of use of online activities in Germany in 2019 was a whole 43%. Respondents gave 29% known that they use the Internet at least once a week for online shopping purposes. Better SEO increases your chance of coming into the field of view of your customers.

tip: Get from google Help yourself and find out exactly what you should pay attention to so that your website gets higher positions in search results. A solid SEO strategy — this is one of the most important building blocks for your company's visibility in the Google search engine.

5. Frustrating load times

Those who also rank poorly are websites with a slow loading time. The loading time of the website is nothing more than the time until its entire website appears visually complete to the user on their device. To ensure a satisfactory user experience and Customer journey Your website shouldn't take longer than 2 seconds to load. If your website loads longer, you have to expect a lower chance of a positive customer experience. In addition, your company page drops in ranking because Google rates the jumping off number of visitors as an unfriendly experience on your website.

The reasons for long load times may be as follows:

  • Your pictures are way too big
  • Your JavaScript is fragmented
  • You have superfluous source code that is repeated on subpages
  • Your server response times are far too slow
  • There are too many different CSS files

tip: The lack of capacity on the server where your website is stored is often the reason for a longer load time. For example, if there is a lot of traffic and many requests at the same time, the server could be overloaded. It would be advisable to choose a provider with more than sufficient server capacity.

6. Use on mobile devices

The usability (usability or user experience) of your website should be adapted to the different screen sizes of mobile devices.

Because here too, the website visitor only spends a few seconds giving you a chance — So always make maximum use of them.

tip: An outdated page should not only be patched where it seems crumbly, but should in the best case be completely relaunched. This saves you a lot of time, effort, and money when it comes to device customization.

7. First impressions count

Don't you also know that: Before the visit arrives, the house is cleaned properly. Because visitors should find you in a clean and tidy home and thus get a positive first impression of you.

For example, you're visiting a friend. He lives in a dirty house. He offers you something to drink: Would you accept the offer?

NO, isn't it? That's exactly what your website visitors think when they see your messy website — after all, a well-maintained appearance is the key to success.

tip: Use a clear website structure, an appealing design and relevant content. Help your potential new customer understand you and make a purchase decision.

8. 90s technology

Would you trust information that is on a very old-looking website?

Probably not, because you first ask yourself whether the offer, the information and the site itself is still up to date at all or a remnant from the 90s. Purely psychologically, the design triggers much more in people than you realize.

This is exactly the effect you want to avoid — upgrade your homepage today.

tip: Before you start, be sure that browsers do not support Flash content. Many websites today are based on a modern content management system, such as Webflow (CMS). The expansion, management, and optimization of content is much more precise than before.

9. SSL encryption

In recent years, the basic data protection regulations (GDPR) have been renewed several times. The abbreviation SSL stands for “Secure Sockets Layer” and encrypts data transmission between the web server and the web visitor.

The most important point, however, is that encryption suggests one thing — trust. Cookie banners and the like represent important measures to protect customers. The motivation to buy therefore increases when your data is handled properly.

tip: An unencrypted website struggles with a reduced Google ranking, as lack of security is punished by search engines. Use encryption, cookie banners and current privacy settings for your website visitors.

10. Lack of monitoring

Imagine hanging up a poster with your offer on the street. Now there is technology to measure exactly how many people have looked at the poster. Wouldn't that be great for learning from the collected statistics and thus optimizing the poster?

This has been possible for a long time thanks to monitoring on the Internet. The technology makes it possible to track the behavior of your website visitors. Based on this data, you can use the”faulty components” Constantly optimize.

tip: Your new company website should have website analysis tools such as Google Analytics You can integrate, otherwise you will not be able to monitor. Basically, your website should be equipped with analysis tools from day 1.

11. An insufficient conversion rate

A website is the interface between the company and its customers, both to present information and to collect it. The word conversion comes from English and means a “Transformation”. In an SEO context, your web visitors and the transactions are evaluated as follows: For example, if 3 out of a total of 100 website visitors have submitted a request to you via your website, you have a conversion rate of 3%

A 0.005% conversion rate is a symbol that something is going wrong and an alarming sign of the relaunch of the company website.

tip: Record your current figures and write down the goals you want to achieve. This allows you to see exactly how successful your current web presence is.

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What changes as a result of the redesign of your company website

Redesigning your company website can bring you many benefits: from growing traffic, to more development opportunities and a long-term SEO strategy. The redesign allows you to tackle many construction sites at the same time and present your company concept to the customer in a more comprehensible and modern way.

The aim is to excite, regardless of whether they are potential customers, existing customers or investors.

important: What you should definitely keep in mind is that relaunching the company website is not a daily project. It may well take a few months.

Facebook case study

Redesigning your website can be a smart way to polish up your image. When you change something to get a better relationship, the brand gets bigger, attracts potential customers, and gains more exposure. In addition, the image can be strengthened or renewed.

Take a look at Facebook, for example. Nostalgia comes when you click through the previous version of the Facebook homepage.


The social network has changed a lot in the last decade. Logo, website, mobile use.

The biggest change is that the arrangement of timeline content is changing and becoming clearer: Users see what interests them and thus spend more time on Facebook. Through its website, the company currently has 2.9 million daily users per year, based on the success of a pure optimization process are based.


Your website is the showcase for your company. The content must simple, effective, appealing and attractive be for your audience.

Imagine the process similar to a store: you see a nice watch that goes great with your outfit. After all, a high-quality watch counts as a status symbol of success. You are emotionally trapped and would like to try on the watch before you finally buy it.

The same wind is blowing on your website — the Customer tries to imagine whether your offer suits them or not. He'd love to try on your performance — before he buys. He must finally find out whether he can identify with your offer or not?

And these are precisely important basic ideas that must be analyzed and evaluated before you start redesigning your website. We are happy to help you with any questions and implementation. Determine that now potential your website!

Aleksey Rogalev
Aleksey Rogalev
Managing Director, SEO & Google Ads Expert
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Was sind die wichtigsten Phasen bei der Erstellung einer Website?

Bei marketer UX durchläuft jedes Projekt fünf Hauptphasen:

  1. Entdeckungsphase
  2. Konzept, Strategie und Texterstellung. In der Webdesign-Phase wird das visuelle Erscheinungsbild deiner Website entwickelt, um eine ansprechende und benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche zu schaffen.
  3. Webdesign
  4. Webentwicklung
  5. Launch und Go-Live

Warum sollte ich eine professionelle Website erstellen lassen?

Eine professionelle Website ist mehr als nur eine digitale Visitenkarte. Sie ist Ihr wichtigstes Marketing-Tool und ein 24/7-Verkäufer. Profis kennen die neuesten Trends und Technologien. Ein professionelles Webdesign sorgt dafür, dass deine Website nicht nur gut aussieht, sondern auch funktional und benutzerfreundlich ist. Sie sparen Ihnen Zeit und Ressourcen und liefern eine Qualität, die Vertrauen und Kompetenz vermittelt.

Wie erstelle ich eine gute Website?

Eine gute Website zeichnet sich durch folgende Merkmale aus:

  • Benutzerfreundliches, responsives Design
  • Klare Struktur und Navigation
  • Hochwertige, relevante Inhalte. Eine gründliche SEO-Optimierung stellt sicher, dass deine Website in den Suchergebnissen gut platziert ist und mehr Besucher anzieht.
  • Schnelle Ladezeiten
  • SEO-Optimierung
  • Sicherheit und Datenschutz-Konformität

Professionelle Agenturen wie marketer UX berücksichtigen all diese Aspekte und mehr, um eine erfolgreiche Website zu erstellen

Wer kann mir eine Homepage erstellen?

Es gibt verschiedene Optionen:

  1. Professionelle Webdesign-Agenturen wie marketer UX
  2. Freelancer für Web-Design und -Entwicklung. Freelancer bieten oft flexible und kostengünstige Lösungen, die sich besonders für kleinere Projekte eignen.
  3. Lokale IT-Dienstleister
  4. Website-Baukästen für Do-it-yourself-Lösungen

Die beste Wahl hängt von Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen und Ihrem Budget ab.

Was braucht man alles, um eine Website zu erstellen?

Grundlegende Elemente sind: Domain, Webhosting, Content (Texte, Bilder, Videos), Design, Entwicklung und SEO. Ein zuverlässiges Webhosting ist entscheidend für die Erreichbarkeit und Performance deiner Website. Zusätzlich können je nach Bedarf E-Commerce-Funktionen, CMS, Newsletter-Integration etc. erforderlich sein. Eine professionelle Agentur kümmert sich um all diese Aspekte für Sie.

Wie aufwendig ist es, eine Website zu erstellen?

Der Aufwand hängt von der Komplexität Ihrer Anforderungen ab. Eine professionelle Website erfordert Expertise in Design, Entwicklung, SEO und oft Content-Erstellung. Durch die Beauftragung einer Agentur wie marketer UX können Sie sich auf Ihr Kerngeschäft konzentrieren, während Experten Ihre Website erstellen. Eine Webdesign Agentur übernimmt alle technischen und gestalterischen Aufgaben, sodass du dich auf dein Kerngeschäft konzentrieren kannst.

Wie erstelle ich ganz einfach eine Website?

Für eine einfache Website können Sie Website-Baukästen wie Wix oder Squarespace nutzen. Ein Website Baukasten bietet dir vorgefertigte Vorlagen und einfache Tools, um deine Website schnell und ohne technische Kenntnisse zu erstellen. Für professionellere Ergebnisse empfiehlt sich jedoch die Zusammenarbeit mit Experten, die Ihnen den gesamten Prozess abnehmen und eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung bieten. Bei marketer UX setzen wir bereits seit vielen Jahren auf Webflow.

Wie lange dauert es, eine eigene Website erstellen zu lassen?

Der Zeitrahmen variiert je nach Projektumfang. Eine einfache Website kann in 2-4 Wochen fertig sein, während komplexere Projekte 2-3 Monate oder länger dauern können. Bei marketer UX durchläuft jedes Projekt verschiedene Phasen von der Konzeption bis zum Launch. Webseiten können von Webdesign-Agenturen oder Freelancern erstellt werden, wobei auch Content-Management-Systeme eine Rolle spielen. Webdesign Agenturen bieten oft einen strukturierten und professionellen Ansatz, der die Projektlaufzeit optimiert.

Wo lässt man am besten eine Website erstellen?

Die beste Wahl hängt von Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen ab. Professionelle Agenturen wie marketer UX bieten einen ganzheitlichen Ansatz und Expertise in Design, Entwicklung und Marketing. Für einfachere Projekte können auch Freelancer oder Website-Baukästen in Frage kommen. Eine professionelle Webdesign Agentur bietet dir umfassende Dienstleistungen und Expertise, die für komplexere Projekte unerlässlich sind.

Wie viel kostet es, eine Website machen zu lassen?

Die Kosten für eine Website können stark variieren, abhängig von Umfang, Komplexität und gewähltem Anbieter. Einfache Websites können ab etwa 1.000 Euro starten, während komplexe Projekte mehrere tausend Euro kosten können. Es ist wichtig, ein detailliertes Angebot einzuholen, das alle Leistungen umfasst. Eine transparente Preisgestaltung hilft dir, die Kosten im Blick zu behalten und unerwartete Ausgaben zu vermeiden.

Can you rank better through a relaunch?

The relaunch definitely gives you a better chance of ranking higher.

By redesigning the website, SEO resources can also be taken into account to increase the Internet presence. The quality of the site can be significantly improved through thorough monitoring. This is because you can track exactly whether your blog is received through your web presentation, for example. After all, an easy-to-understand structure is essential for a higher number of visitors and more traffic.

Briefly and concisely: The relaunch allows you to give your website a better structure so that your customers understand you and enjoy staying on your website. And Google evaluates this as a positive experience for the website visitor.

Can you use a new CMS when redesigning your company?

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS (content management system). One Statista Survey shows that WordPress had the market shares of WordPress content management systems at around 64.5% in April 2022. Webflow is currently gaining momentum through flexible design options.

The system is changed more often when the old standard of the website was no longer developed.

How long does a website relaunch take?

A relaunch is often a long-term project, as fundamental questions about the company itself are being re-examined. After all, the goal is an easy-to-understand website with important advantages.

The redesign can therefore take from three months to one year.

What aspects do you have to consider when redesigning the website?

The right web design gives you a new world of visual possibilities. There are a few redesign rules that you should follow during the web design process.

  1. Better usability for the user
  2. Do you have a new corporate identity?
  3. Adapting the mobile version

Which milestones must absolutely be achieved as a result of the relaunch?

Of course, before redesigning the website, you first need a plan of what the website should look like. After all, you don't shoot a movie without a script. A clear objective should be set.

Before you write your concept for your company website, you should ask yourself elementary questions about your company:

  1. Why do you want a new website?
  2. What is the purpose of the website?
  3. What is the specific goal of redesigning your website?

How much does it cost to redesign the website?

The prices for the relaunch of the company website vary significantly. This depends on various criteria: Would you like to redesign your website or a new website? Do you need a new concept? This also distinguishes between individual freelancers and agencies. Up to 10,000 euros for freelancers and up to 100,000 euros for agencies. (Online shops with a lot of traffic could also go beyond this six-figure price mark)

Do I need a new domain for the relaunch?

Basically, you don't need a new domain for a relaunch. In some industries, it is even advantageous to use your own domain with Google's history, as the search engine has been aware of this for a long time.

What is a website relaunch?

The term relaunch comes from English and literally means restart. This is a new version of the previous company website. The industry or specification plays a role here, B2B or B2C doesn't matter. Every company, every product and every service can have a website relaunch.

The goal is a more modern website, ease of use, new design and technologies, and a better ranking.

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For over 6 years, we have been moving companies forward in the digital space. With over 200 successful projects, we are proud to always think outside the box and discover new things. For us, it's not just about ticking off tasks, but about delivering real results. Rely on our expertise and let us help your company achieve a digital breakthrough together!

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