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Winning customers in the digital age

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Winning customers in the digital age

How do you win customers?

First of all, don't bet on being the cheapest. Companies that argue purely about the price have a problem: There is always one that is even cheaper. Instead, bet on becoming the best in your field. And that in all points that matter:

  • products and services
  • Service — before and after purchase
  • Your appearance as a brand — unmistakability
  • Your web presence
  • credibility

It doesn't matter whether you want to win customers online or want to generate more customers in traditional ways. In fact, the answers to the question have been:”How do you win customers?“not really changed. Whether online or at the weekly market: You're dealing with people. All the use of search engines and algorithms ultimately serves the purpose of making these people aware of you. Winning them over for you afterwards is still based on the question of what makes people tick. A few things have certainly changed on this point. Others, however, have remained the same. Combine both factors to achieve success. The following are a number of valuable considerations about this.

Look at yourself from the customer's point of view

The days when customer acquisition only worked through products and services are gone. Today's customer wants more. He is interested in your company. She asks herself questions such as:

  • What are your working conditions like?
  • Are you interested in environmental protection?

Consider a company like Apple: The US company always emphasizes that nature is important to it. The new company building was built and operated in an environmentally friendly manner. Apple also offers recycling for used iPhones.

Just Spices trades with spices. The company is deliberately youthful, fresh and dynamic. Die Company website is a prime example of how to transport an image.

Earn customer trust by putting yourself in their shoes and showing empathy and authority

In the end, it all boils down to a simple piece of wisdom: You don't sell products or services, you sell yourself! Don't stop at the question of what your customers want to buy. Ask yourself who you would like to buy these products or services from.

An easy way to double customers

What would it be like if you had a machine that turned one customer into two? Sounds like a dream, but this fantasy can actually be turned into reality. Here is a suggestion that works surprisingly well in practice:

Give selected customers a gift that can only be used as a couple. The options are almost endless. They range from candlelight dinners for two people to an excursion, which is also awarded to two participants. Person one is your customer. The second person must bring he/she along. Of course, you can also link the gifts to your business:

If you sell computers, offer a workshop for several people (“Congratulations! They won! So that it doesn't get boring, you need to bring at least four people with you. Who would you like to make happy? “).

When you give your customers a gift for 2, you quickly gain additional customers

If you run a restaurant, you could give away cooking classes for two people.

Large companies could offer guided tours. Or how about soccer cards? Concert tickets? Tickets for the zoo or the great musical that will soon be shown in your city?

The imagination has no limits here. Think about it: What could you offer? Perhaps you would also like to combine the prize draw with a special day: “On Valentine's Day, we're giving away... everyone who visits our shop that day automatically takes part in the draw. Prize tickets are handed out at the cash desks. ” Such campaigns alone generate additional customers.

If you don't have a store, you can do the same with your online presence. Post the action on Facebook in the form of an event. Then invite all of your followers and ask them to share the event!

Showcase your expertise

Make a name for yourself as an expert and new potential customers will reach out to you to solve their problems

The local environment offers numerous opportunities to present yourself as an expert. Be it lectures or free “consultation hours” at the trade show. This kills two birds with one stone:

  • They're making a good name for themselves.
  • They become a person or company that people want to go to because that's where they get a solution to their problem.

Make a good impression

The first and last impression counts the most! Why do (cleverly furnished) supermarkets present their fruit and vegetable department at the entrance? Because you can score points with it. Imagine walking into a shop and the scent of fresh fruit penetrates your nose. Then take a look at these beautiful, fresh strawberries...

In this case, the last impression would be at the cash register. A friendly cashier who wishes us a nice day is worth its weight in gold. Think of chain stores in the USA, where their own “greeter” greets customers in a friendly manner at the entrance. First impression? Succeeded! The last impression is then a friendly person standing behind the cash register and packing their purchases for the customer.

The first impression is like a handshake from your company, the last impression is how you are remembered by your customers

You can also implement all of this in the online sector. Ask yourself: Does the first impression of your website make you want to stay here? If you are asked to “submit” your email address after just five seconds, something is definitely wrong.

What is the last impression customers get on your website after making a purchase? A friendly farewell? Or do you simply end up back on the start page that you've already seen? Let your imagination run wild!

Generate further revenue from sales

We've talked about how important the first and last impression is. In online business, there is another”last impression“: the Post-order emails. Send a friendly email thanking you for your purchase. It is then a matter of seizing the opportunity.

After a few days, you could send another email sending a discount voucher to your lucky buyer. In the modern world, discount codes can be used. The customer enters this on their next purchase to save 20%, for example. All of this can be completely automated so that you can use a Minimum of work maximum effect achieve.

Automatically send an email to your customers after they've bought from you and generate more revenue with minimal effort

What is also well received is an email that informs the customer that their package has now been sent. In addition, a link to the shipping service provider, with which he can monitor the delivery. DHL has now introduced a function that allows the delivery car to be tracked in real time. Do you remember celebrating Christmas as a child? The joy that the Christ Child came at 18:00 for example? What was it like counting the minutes? What is it like to drive home from work today because you know that your package has arrived? It was just a small email on your smartphone, but you're really excited. Give your customers the same pleasure.

Get well rated online

Now that your customer is completely happy, it would be a good time to send them an email asking them for a positive online review. Many people are now looking at the reviews on Google as essential before you decide on a company. How good is the local dentist? Inge H. (name invented) writes on Google that she was treated rudely? Then go to the dentist in the neighboring town, he has better reviews! Understand the rules of the game and become a master! Get help from us now.

Keep your website up to date

Adapt your website and social media presence to current events to stay up to date and relevant

Would you eat the same meal day in and day out? Probably not. It's the same with your website. There are many opportunities to make small changes to the look. For example:

  • during the Christmas season
  • in spring
  • When summer comes
  • at Easter
  • When Valentine's Day is around the corner
  • to the soccer World Cup
  • the Olympic Games

You shouldn't limit yourself to showing snowflakes on your landing page, for example in winter. In fact, all of these occasions can be used to launch competitions or promotions of various kinds:

  • The snow is falling, so are our prices.
  • The Easter Bunny is coming — and the new BMW. Test drive with us now!
  • Show your love on Valentine's Day — with our... only a short time at a special price.

Don't limit yourself to your website. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. are powerful tools for communicating with existing and future customers. In particular, Facebook posts are wonderful to share. Look forward to new customers.

Advertisement: Beat the drum

Promote your products and services regularly, otherwise no one will know they exist

A wise person once said that chickens would make a huge fuss with every egg laid. Ostriches, on the other hand, refrain from this show. As a result, the whole world eats chicken eggs.

What sounds funny at first glance (it certainly is) has a profound truth: How is someone supposed to buy your products or services if he/she doesn't know that you exist? A few suggestions:

  • poster advertising
  • press releases
  • Promotional letters that you send by post
  • Flyers that you display at the cinema, at the bakery, etc.

As to the last point: Which type of company suits you? Are you appealing to an educated audience who likes to read? Display flyers in bookstores.

If your target group consists of self-employed people and companies, you have another advantage: You can make cold calls at any time. In other words, you can call them at any time, drop by in person, etc. By the way, trade fairs and trade shows are an ideal place to acquire new customers and business partners from the business sector. With the right Conversation guide achieve even better results.

Appearance at public events

Of course, the topic is limited”Fairs and more. “not just about walking around there as visitors. Book your own stand and let yourself be found. A little tip: Measurements can be very exhausting. How nice when there is a coffee machine and a drinks dispenser on your stand.

influencer marketing

Influencers are people who have built up a large following through social networks. If you manage to win over these people, you can be real success boosters.

But be careful: Not every influencer is of any benefit to you. To put it bluntly, if you have a butcher shop, an influencer whose following consists mostly of vegans will be of no use to you. In the worst case scenario, you'll reap a shitstorm.

People trust their idols when they make buying decisions and that's why influencer marketing is so successful

An ideal example:

Your company makes healthy dog food. Now there is this woman on Instagram who has 20,000 followers because she posts pictures of her dog every day. That person would be of interest.

We were deliberately talking about 20,000 followers here. Some would say that this is far too little. Influencers only start with XY million followers. That may be true. The question is, where do you currently stand with your company? If your annual turnover is 50,000 euros, it is likely to be difficult to win over Heidi Klum as an advertising figure. Choose a healthy middle ground, start from where you are right now and then gain a lot of weight.

Something completely different: What about existing customers?

With all the thinking about the topic”How do you get new customers?“Existing buyers should not be ignored. Many companies have focused all their attention on acquiring new customers only to discover that they have lost an existing one for every new customer.

Your existing customer base is your current asset.

The myth of the “useless C customer”

Some companies divide their customer base into three or more classes. It could look like this:

  • A-customers: are highly satisfied, buy regularly and are as loyal to the company as possible.
  • B customers: buy from the company with a certain frequency, but also go to competitors.
  • C customers: have bought from you at some point and have not taken action since then.

Many companies make the mistake that A customers to give maximum attention while C customers be completely ignored. They are”useless“, because they barely make any money. On the other hand, massive amounts of money are often spent on getting to addresses of potential customers. The C customers and their contact details are stored in the system.

Activate your C customers and convert them into A customers to increase your revenue

C customers should not be ignored, but converted (as far as possible) into B and then into A customers!

This will not always be successful. Still, it's worth the effort. Especially when they tell you over the phone why they no longer want to buy from you. It's a cost-effective way from a”Externals“to be made aware of what might be wrong with you. Listen to your customers, whether they're new, A, B, or C customers. It will definitely be worthwhile for you!

Finally, whatever you do — go full throttle!

A famous figure from the music industry once said:”Success belongs to those who want it the most. The people who are willing to go the last extra mile.“This can be transferred to all types of success and industries. Half-hearted effort will always produce half-hearted results. Give it your all and don't stop there. The right attitude leads to the right actions. Success can hardly be avoided from this combination. Get in touch with us now to get more customers!

Aleksey Rogalev
Aleksey Rogalev
Managing Director, SEO & Google Ads Expert
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